Mario kart 64 music changes
Mario kart 64 music changes


However, if you typically play games alone and are looking for a depthful racer to play in single player mode, go download F-Zero X.

mario kart 64 music changes

Still, if you are one of those people who loves playing games with friends and family, this is a must have. The VC version, however, gets a 4 out of 5. The bottom line: Mario Kart 64 for the N64 gets a 5 out of 5 stars easily. Plus, the ability to save and race ghosts to try and out do you and your friends' best times (a vital part of Mario Kart 64) has been stripped from the VC version of MK 64. Now, with Wii's anti-aliasing technology (which usualy improves a game's visuals), Mario and friends look grainy and rough. At the time of MK 64's release, the SNES-sprite-like character models were sloppy, but bearable. Despite what Damo said, this game is an improvement in every possible way over Super Mario Kart, minus perhaps in track design. Mario Kart 64 is probably my favorite racing game. Sadly I never got into SMK the way many others here have. I feel this game deserves 5 stars just for the intensity of 3+ multiplayer battles (few games other than first person shooters have come close), but understand those who think single player mode lets it down. To a degree the bizarre fashion that the computer could catch up in single player was also good, as it made the game both more exciting and more intense. The intensity of this game was superb and a can remember many tight races where I practically had an adrenalin rush from the craziness of dealing with weapons, trying to maintain racing lines while powersliding like a maniac to stay in front. In single player I can understand the point that the game got boring, but in multiplayer this game was a blast!! I spent a whole summer getting blazed and having great laughs with mates as we battled it out in 3 player mode (which for some reason was insanely faster than the other modes). I must say I'm suprised to see that alot of people disliked MK64. Perhaps it's not a bad game in it's own right, it's just that Super Mario Kart is probably one of the greatest games of all time and Double Dash is one of the stars of the Gamecube catalogue. There is far too much reliance on weapons, the controls are un-responsive compared to DD and SMK, meaning you never feel truly comfortable pushing your kart to the edge and to make matters worse, the enemies are inexplicably able to catch up with you even if you are having a faultless race. The graphics are bland and the mix of sprites and true 3D really doesn't work, meaning that the karts never seem to be properly part of the screen. It holds no nostalgia value for me, so the rose-tinted specs that might flavour the opinions I have on other games don't apply here. I also enjoyed Double Dash on the Gamecube, so I was curious to see what this 'missing link' was like.

mario kart 64 music changes

I absolutely loved Super Mario Kart and I still dig it out every now and again. I never owned an N64 as I was still a devoted Amiga owner until the early 2000s, so aside from the occasional game at a friend's house, this largely passed me by.

Mario kart 64 music changes